Friday, February 23, 2007

And so Part II of my Treatment Ends


All good things must come to an end they say and this is definitely one of those cases. I'm sad to be going back home as I'll definitely miss Suparna and Beth - my physical therapy tag team. They have fixed my arms back to 80% healed and my back to 60% I'm being set free into the 'wild' to do all I'd like to be doing. This is an experiment to see how my body holds up...only time will tell.

I'm excited to go back home as lots of fun things await - we're heading off to Tahoe for some snowboarding and to Houston for Dylan's dedication and planning to catch up with lots of different people. Also, it will be nice to be back in an office environment - I miss my coworkers!!

Alas, I'll be back to continue my adventure March 18th. I'm off to Linden, NJ to pack up my things and get ready to face yet another United flight.

In the mean time, take care!!!

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